God Can Use Anything, Anyone, Anytime

My good friend recently got his Eagle Scout award in my Boy Scout troop. At his Eagle Court of Honor ceremony, he spoke of how God was able to help him along to achieve his Eagle. His mother had died a few years earlier, and he talked about how hard it was to go on without her.

Afterwards, my mom and I asked him what one thing helped him stay in a relationship with God and not to blame Him for the death of his mother. He said that the most helpful thing was his yearly mission trips with his family and this organization known as Big World Ventures. He then told me that he would enjoy it if I came with him that year. I gladly accepted.

I signed up for a mission trip to Peru for three entire weeks. My wonderful mother and I achieved our goal of raising over $4200, through contributions from family and friends, and the mission trip begins in about one more month on July 1, 2013. I can hardly wait!

God can work through anyone to spread His Word. God brought my attention to this Big World Ventures opportunity through an Eagle Court of Honor ceremony and the chance asking of one question. I have no doubt that these simple actions will lead to an amazing adventure and the ability to do God's will in my life.

God used my friend to make this mission trip happen for me, and I am very thankful. God can work through anyone and anything. John 9:4 says, "I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work." (NKJV) This verse is about Jesus working for the Father. For us, we should be doing great works for God during our time on earth.

My friend has worked through The Lord for many years during his mission trips, and now I can help my Lord as well while in Peru this July. God put my friend in my life to have me help spread God's word, and I have been loving it.

—Michael Brooks

Writer: Alex Cadman

Alex Cadman produces videos for 412teens through his production company, Cadman Film. He wishes to serve the Lord in all the ways he can.

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