Friend, you are loved. And you are well loved.
Maybe you've grown up in the church, hearing "God loves you" over and over. Maybe you could hear these words all day long, but you won't truly believe it. But trust me, once you get it into your heart that you are loved and have been set free in Christ, everything—and I mean everything—will start to change. Until you accept His love, you'll never truly live the fulfilled life God intended you to live. Jesus said of us, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly" (John 10:10, emphasis added).
Let's look at a couple ways God will start to change you once you start believing the truth that, no matter what, you are loved by Him:
Yes, we've all made mistakes—ones that by human standards make us unworthy or unfit to be loved. But that is a LIE. Choose today to know and believe that you're loved by God—no matter what. There is no sin too great that God cannot forgive it. Choose to start living it out—whether you feel it or not.
Feelings are fickle, but there is a King who has always loved you greatly. Once you've accepted Christ as your Savior, this King becomes your Father. And there's nothing quite like our Heavenly Father's love for His children. It's a sweet embrace. Maybe you've never felt that loved by anyone before, but give God an opening into your heart. You can trust Him. Ask Him to show you His love, and He will. No matter what you've done, no matter where you've been, He still loves you (John 3:16; Romans 5:8). He still wants to be with you (1 Timothy 2:4).
I've been really loving Proverbs 4:18 lately, especially The Message version: "The ways of right-living people glow with light. The longer they live, the brighter they shine." Isn't that beautiful? The longer we live, the brighter we shine.
Friend, it's time to destroy the lie that says you're unloveable, unworthy, or worthless. Jesus says YOU ARE WORTH IT. And He proved you're worth it by dying for you, coming back to life, and giving you the gift of His sacrifice so that you could be set free. Set free from sin, guilt, pain, fear, and the world's lies that make you feel unloveable. No matter where you are right now, you can choose to start living like you're loved. Because you are. Time to arise and shine.
For you are well loved, princes and princesses of God's Kingdom.
You are worth every drop of sweat and blood that Jesus shed for you millennia ago. And He'd do it all again—just for you. You're loved beyond your wildest dreams, friend. That love's available to you right now, knocking at the door of your heart (Revelation 3:20).
If you haven't accepted Christ as your Savior, you still can. As long as you live and breathe, it is not too late. God is calling you to come to Him, to lavish His love on YOU. What are you waiting for? An unchanging, unshakeable love and an ocean of grace and mercy is waiting for you, wrapped in God's perfect love. The offer is on the table right now. Come home to wide open arms today. Believe the truth of God's love for you, and, with the help of the Holy Spirit, live a life well-loved.
Friend, you are loved. And you are well loved.
Princes and princesses of God's Kingdom, no matter how you feel, say this with me today, "Because of Jesus, I am loved by God. Unconditionally and eternally." Say it as many times as it takes for you to believe it, remember it, and live it. Say it all throughout the day, because it's the truest thing you will ever say.
Stephanie is in her 20s and is passionate about seeing believers grow and deepen their relationship with the Lord. She is a lover of sweet tea, sunshine, and the freedom that comes from Christ. In her free time, she can be found spending time with her husband, playing pickleball, running her soda shop, or jamming out to worship music. Her dreams are to become a published author and open up more locations for her shop, while living a life full of fun and joy that comes from the Lord.