Yes, it's still us. This is our new logo. LOL What do you think?
One day my friend C. asked me to come to a little celebration called Spring Fling at her church which was a First Assembly of God. I accepted her invite, and when I got there, C. some of my other friends and the group leaders were all there.
Everybody got into small groups and named their teams. (Ours was The Water Koalas, by the way.) We went to the sanctuary and listened to a very funny service. The man teaching us told us that if we weren't saved to go to the right side of the stage and the people who were not saved to go on the left. Basically, I "got saved" when I was like six years old, so I went to the right side.
After most of the people on the left said the salvation prayer, the kids took over to lead prayer and the leaders took a seat. So many girls were crying! We must have gone through a least 30 boxes of tissues. I prayed for a handful of people and felt emotionally exhausted.
So I went back to one of the seats a chill for a while when W., one of our leaders from another group I'm in, came up said "hi" and prayed and praised God for me. After that, I started bawling with the other girls and accepted Jesus into my heart—FOR REAL that time! I felt that I got Holy Spirit baptized!
The song "From the Inside Out" by Hillsong United was playing while I was being cleansed, and that song has been with me to this very day.
—Josette - age 12, 6th grade