Yes, it's still us. This is our new logo. LOL What do you think?
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It can be really hard to admit, but sometimes when we look around at our friends, we feel like we just don't measure up. Do you sometimes wonder if you somehow missed the "greatness gene"? I know I do. I look on FB, Twitter, Instagram and see these incredibly happy people accomplishing incredible things, going on incredible vacations, giving time and money to incredible causes...and I'm like, "Well, here I am, reading my book in my sweaty workout clothes and wondering if frozen pizza for dinner is too much work."
Nobody takes a selfie when they aren't looking their best or doing something "incredible." In fact, sometimes the "incredible" is actually just the mundane spun to sound incredible. Someone posts a picture of a plate of food that is getting cold while they get the photo angle just right, then text about the exotic Pinterest recipe they made for their grateful family, and the people go, "Wow! Amazing!" (Full disclosure: I have done this very thing.) But I'm sure most people are like, "Um, you've got dinner. Like everybody else. Get over yourself." No one takes a picture of their Totino's Pizza and posts, "I made dinner tonight!"
Occasionally, you may find yourself looking at kids in your school, neighborhood, church, etc. and start thinking they have talents, clothes, skills, advantages, opportunities, friends, or traits that you don't have (or will never have). And, in some cases, you might be right due to any given factors. The truth is, we are all going to be different in many ways—and not only is that OK, but it is by God's design.
When we look around God's creation, we see flowers of all different shapes, colors, sizes, scents, and purposes. Likewise, there is not only one kind of bird, but thousands, in all varieties of characteristics. Some are huge and majestic like the eagle who glides on massive wings, others are tiny and flap their wings at the speed of light, like a hummingbird. Some don't even fly! Some trees grow very tall, while others remain low to the ground. Some trees produce nourishment while others provide shelter.
God could have chosen to make ONE kind of each thing in creation, but He didn't. Variety is what makes everything work together. Variety makes life interesting and beautiful. When it comes to people, of course he wouldn't make only one kind of person! (See Romans 12:4-8.)
If we were all gifted athletes, who would sing? If we were all talented visual artists, who would discover cures for diseases? See where I am going? God created everything for a purpose—including human beings. The Bible says we are all uniquely and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). God tells us He made us with a plan and purpose for our lives (Jeremiah 29:11).
God gave you skills and talents. Some may know from a young age what direction we are meant to go; others may spend a large portion of their lives discovering what that might be; yet others could spend time developing skills, traits, and experiences only to find they are meant to carry out God's plan in a totally unexpected way. Or any combination of things could happen in your lifetime.
Joseph in the Bible (the one with the colorful coat; Genesis 37) had a prophetic dream as a teenager that one day his many brothers and family would bow to him as a king. Like many teenagers might do, Joseph taunted his older brothers with this juicy information, and (surprise, surprise) they didn't like it (or him) too much! He spent the next several years in a range of very un-king like predicaments—getting thrown down a well, sold into slavery, falsely accused of attempted rape, imprisoned, and finally made into the king's dream interpreter. Not exactly the life Joseph envisioned for himself after that dream.
Yet all those years of working in a humbled capacity shaped a mouthy, obnoxious youth into the man God had created him to become. Joseph did end up becoming a wise, kind king. During a famine, when his family came to his palace, bowing before Joseph and seeking assistance from the brother they didn't recognize, instead of taunting them that his dream came true after all, Joseph was moved to humility and compassion for his brothers.
The Bible has plenty examples of people who started out much differently than they ended up. Often, their lives didn't turn out the way they originally thought they would either. You won't find one flawless person. Yet God used them to do amazing things. God always, always uses people who have great difficulties to overcome before they can do anything that benefits God's kingdom. (HINT: That is literally everyone.)
Jesus, who was fully God and fully man, is the only person who has ever stepped foot on this earth who never sinned. Absolutely everyone else sins, struggles, and fails. You, me, your family, your friends, your neighbors—everyone.
God specifically designed you and created you to be who you are. He only made one of you in the whole universe, and you are the only one who has the specific plan and purpose He created you for. If you find you are comparing yourself with people around you, remember that they also struggle and have self-doubts, fail, sin, and fear rejection—same as you. Study God's Word and talk to Him, ask for a healthy humility, an understanding that, no, we aren't great at everything, yet God equips us to be enough when it comes to doing what He has planned for and purposed us to become.
Rhonda is an author, wife, mother, and mentor. She graduated from the University of Missouri with a degree in English and Religious studies. She loves studying God’s Word for truth and wisdom and uses it as a compass and roadmap for her own spiritual journey. Rhonda believes in sharing the Good News and the hope found in Biblical truths with others. She uses her writing and mentoring opportunities (often with a pinch of humor) to do just that.