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How should Christians view Mars colonization?

Besides taking us back to memories of our childhood watching Toy Story, "To infinity and beyond!" has been used to cast a vision into the current and future age of space exploration. While the idea of human colonization of other planets is not new, the modern advances in technology could bring this dream, previously thought to be pure science fiction, into reality.

Life on Earth & Beyond

The most likely destination for our first change of address into space is Mars—one of our closest neighboring planets. While the temperature and sunlight conditions of Mars are closer to Earth's conditions than any other planet, there are also major factors prohibitive to life. Its atmosphere is only 0.1% oxygen, and the air pressure is much lower, so humans would need a complex life-support system to survive there.

Will technology allow humans to overcome Mars' environmental challenges in order to make outer planetary colonization fact instead of fiction? Only time will tell. One thing we know for sure is that God specifically designed earth to support life, so first and foremost we should seek to be vigilant about being good stewards of the home He created for us. But that does not mean that space exploration is off limits for consideration.

God, Creator of Earth & Space

Christians do not need to fear the study of space or the concept of Mars colonization for multiple reasons. God created everything in the universe—galaxies, stars, planets, people, plants, animals, and even things we cannot see with the naked eye, like atoms. All things were created to declare the glory of God, including the space outside of earth (Psalm 19:1, Colossians 1:16). We are not forbidden from exploring His creation. Rather, investigating the wonders of God is a wonderful way to acknowledge His power and give Him praise (Psalms 148:1-14).

Throughout history, Christians have explored and studied God's creation. Frontiers that were once unknown, now declare and magnify God, the Designer, in new and greater ways as science reveals more discoveries. Examples of scientists who followed God include Gregor Mendel (1822 – 1884), who founded the science of genetics and identified dominant and recessive traits; Florence Nightingale (1820 – 1910), who established nursing as a highly skilled, respected profession and used statistics to help improve health among larger populations; and George Washington Carver (1864 – 1943) who improved the agricultural economy of the United States by educating farmers about soil depletion and how to prevent it.1 Space exploration and the possibility of life on Mars are simply more opportunities for Christians to discover God's glory through His creation and positively add to the human experience.

We Can Glorify God Anywhere

Humanity's ability and calling to glorify God is not limited to our physical location. In fact, people have already glorified God in space. The astronauts on Apollo 8 read parts of Genesis 1 when they were orbiting around the moon, and Buzz Aldrin took communion inside Apollo 11 after they landed on the lunar surface.2

Apollo 8 Genesis Reading. Image Credit: NASA/JSC. Published: July 12, 2018. Video Description: A recording of the Apollo 8 astronauts reading from the book of Genesis. (Accessed 23 Apr. 2024)

Since God is omnipresent, He is everywhere all the time (Psalm 139:8). If someone has believed in Jesus as their Savior, then their body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, regardless of where they go (1 Corinthians 3:16). Believers should always be looking for ways to glorify God in their lives—no matter where they are (1 Corinthians 10:31).

The Bible's commands regarding justice, respect, sexual conduct, and more would still apply for people living in space—whether on another planet, the International Space Station, or somewhere in between and beyond. No matter where we exist, Christians should advocate for moral and humane laws and practices for any existing or new civilization. If there were believers living on Mars, they would not need to fear being left behind during the rapture of the end times (1 Thessalonians 4:17; 1 Corinthians 15:51-52) because God is not limited by earth's atmosphere (1 Kings 8:27).

Everything in the universe is a part of God's creation. The idea of living on Mars is simply an advancement of scientific endeavors and expansion of knowledge. Supporting science and space exploration does not mean subscribing to doomsday scenarios, environmental hoaxes, or overpopulation fears.

Christians should be curious about outer space—not because they're afraid of the end of the earth, but because they want to discover more about and be good stewards of God's creation and glorify Him "to infinity and beyond."

RESOURCES: 1. "34 Great Scientists Who Were Committed Christians." Famous Scientists, (Accessed 26 Feb. 2024). 2. "Apollo 8 and Genesis: A Christmas Message.", (Accessed 26 Feb. 2024); Blakemore, Erin. "Buzz Aldrin Took Holy Communion on the Moon. NASA Kept It Quiet." HISTORY, 31 July 2018, (Accessed 26 Feb. 2024).



Humanity colonizing planets in outer space has been a topic of science fiction dreams for a long time, but with recent advancements in technology, those dreams could take us to Mars. Mars has many similarities to earth's environment, but it also has its environmental challenges. While God has uniquely fine-tuned our earth to support the life we see all around us, science and future technologies could make it possible for humans to inhabit Mars (or beyond). Christians should not be afraid to participate in, support, or learn about space exploration. God created all things in the universe to glorify Him. Space exploration can be another opportunity in which to exercise good stewardship over God's creation and glorify God—regardless of where they exist.

Writer: Hanna S.

Hanna loves spending time with kids and teens. She enjoys being detectives with them to investigate God's Word to discover truths to answer any questions. She is the co-author of a newly published apologetics curriculum for children and teaches one online for highschoolers-adults. To learn more about her ministry you can visit For fun, she likes to play Ultimate Frisbee, read historical fiction, and paint.

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