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Is there a God?

Before we can ask "what evidence proves God exists?," we have the even more fundamental question of "is there a God at all?" This question has been under examination throughout history. And we believe the overwhelming answer to the question "is there a God?" is "YES!"

Of course, there will always be strong disagreements about what kind of god it is, if it is a capital-G God, or if there are multiple gods, but the concept of a "greater being" is more accepted across cultures than the belief that there is no God and life is meaningless. At 412teens, we believe there is plenty of evidence to prove there's a God—and not just from the Bible.

Biblical Evidence for God

Of course, the Bible gives us many evidences that point to the reality of God. Psalm 19:1 tells us that nature itself sings of God's existence. Romans 1:20 says that God's "eternal power and divine nature" are clear to the human heart; that is where the sense of a "greater being" comes from. The foundation of the early Christian churches used firsthand eyewitnesses of Jesus, proven evidence, and logical reasoning as a basis for their faith (Luke 1:1-2; 2 Peter 1:16; Acts 17:11; 1 Corinthians 14:20).

We shouldn't be afraid to look for evidences of God outside the Bible. The Bible encourages curiosity and questions for the purpose of strengthening our faith! My friend took a class in world religions, and by the end of it, she found that understanding others' belief systems helped her to embrace her own faith even more because her understanding of God had solidified. Even Jesus encouraged people to look at the evidence and determine the truth for themselves (John 5:31-47).

Natural Evidence for God

Throughout recorded history, we find evidence of God in archaeology, science, literature, philosophy, human experiences, and more. Of course, some would like to use these fields of study to attack the very concept of God or a "greater being." However, just because a piece of evidence can be skewed to someone's ultimate goal, that doesn't make it so. We must examine the whole body of evidence to decide for ourselves.

If we study the total of sum of what daily life entails for human existence—including reason, morality, and human rights—we can find no other explanation than a loving Creator God. Something like justice in the realm of human rights becomes nonsensical without a need for justice. Where did that sense of right and wrong come from if not from within—an understanding of good vs. bad and right vs. wrong? How did that moral compass get programmed into the human heart? We believe God is the answer.

People Will Believe What They Want to Believe

Between stories of personal experiences, nature's clear indications of a divine designer, properties of physics, and documented historical and scientific records, there is plenty of evidence that God is real. Yet people will believe what they want to believe, regardless of what the facts may be. If someone's heart isn't open to the evidence of God, then they will find ways to reject it. The question of God's existence isn’t an issue of "is there enough evidence" or "are they wise enough to recognize the evidence." There are reasonable and unreasonable ways to look at any body of evidence, and there are open-minded and closed-minded ways to look at it too.

Geniuses of history have been believers, and geniuses of history have been atheists. Some atheists will stubbornly refuse to believe under any circumstances, but in the same way, some believers will stubbornly refuse to disbelieve under any circumstances. How a person answers "is God real" is highly dependent upon the answer they prefer.

Why won't God just PROVE His existence?

Short answer? He's done it already! He's even gone so far as to take human form and try to explain how it is to us, yet people STILL rejected Him. Take a look at John 12:36-43. Even though Jesus had done all these miracles right before people's eyes, some continued in their disbelief or were afraid to admit they believed.

So most who demand "if God was real, then He would PROVE Himself to me!" have already decided to reject God, and no evidence or reason will make any difference to them. Jesus warned against making such demands in Matthew 12:39, “A wicked and adulterous generation asks for a sign!” (Also see Luke 16:31.) God desires for all people to come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9), but He also gave us free will to love or reject Him (John 3:36). When He draws a person toward Him, that person still must choose whether or not to move (John 6:44, 65; Romans 5:10).

If you're on the fence between belief and unbelief...

Please know that it's OK to be on the fence! That means you're considering the evidence thoughtfully before you make a decision. But we would encourage you not to stay there. Investigate further (Matthew 7:7), really consider the evidence you see and hear (Acts 17:11; 1 Thessalonians 5:21), and have an open mind about what you find. If you have questions about the Bible, we're happy to help you find answers!


The Bible provides many evidences that point to the reality of God. The foundation of the early Christian churches used firsthand eyewitnesses of Jesus, proven evidence, and logical reasoning as a basis for their faith. Throughout recorded history, we find evidence of God in archaeology, science, literature, philosophy, human experiences, and more. Yet, regardless of what the facts may be, if someone's heart is not open to God or they've already decided to reject Him, then no evidence or reason will make any difference. We encourage you to investigate further, really consider the evidence, and have an open mind about what you find.

Writer/Editor: Catiana (Cat)

Cat is the web producer and editor of She is known as "412teens" on the 412teens Discord. She loves audiobooks, feeding the people she cares about, and using Christmas lights to illuminate a room. When Catiana is not cooking, gardening, or practicing creativity, she enjoys spending time with her two kids, five socially-awkward cats, and her amazing friend-amily.

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