What is 412teens.org?

412teens.org is dedicated to encouraging teens and sharing pearls of biblical truth in a sea of spiritual sludge. We're a ministry of Got Questions Ministries. Our mission is to glorify God by providing biblical, applicable, compassionate, and timely answers to spiritually-related questions about topics of interest to young believers. We aim to encourage healthy physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health in every young Christian we encounter.

What does the "412" in your name stand for?

"Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity." —1 Timothy 4:12

The "412" stands for 1 Timothy 4:12. Just because you're young, that doesn't mean you have nothing to offer this world. Teens can be incredible witnesses to God's amazing grace, love, and compassion. We believe that teens have awesome insights and perspectives that can bring God's goodness and wonder into the world. RELATED: Why should I trust 412teens.org?

How do I ask a question?

If you have spiritual/life questions and would like a biblical answer from someone who cares, please use our Q & A System. For asking questions about the site, reporting typos (hey, we're only human!), and anything else, you can contact us a few different ways or leave a public comment on one of the articles. Thanks!

How do I leave comments or use Discord?

Our goal is to help facilitate a healthy online community of Christian teens from around the world. Join our Discord server and/or scroll to the bottom of most pages to add your voice in the comments. You can also follow us on YouTube, Instagram, or Facebook.

Please keep your comments and discussions kind and respectful. All comments on the site are moderated, so don't even bother saying hateful, bullying, or otherwise unhelpful things; they will be automatically deleted. Aggressive, hateful, or abusive behavior on the Discord server could result in being banned without notice. Trolls will not be tolerated.

Let's encourage one another and build each other up (Hebrews 10:23-25) through healthy conversations and sharing of personal experiences.

Do you have a copyright policy?

While all of the articles and blog posts on 412teens.org ARE under copyright protection, the only reason for that copyright is to make sure people "copy it right." As long as you always clearly reference and/or link to 412teens.org as the source of the material you use, you have our permission to copy, print, and distribute anything on our site absolutely free of charge.

If you are using our articles for research purposes and wish to cite them, here's how you can list it in your references:

Got Questions Ministries. "[article title]" 412teens.org, 2024, [full article url].


Got little siblings?

Here's another site for kids! If you're younger than "teen" status or you have little brothers or sisters who might like a site like this, check out GQkidz.org. It's pretty cool for younger kids!

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