Is depression a sin? (video)

[CW: depression, suicide, trauma, abuse]

Depression is NOT a sin. If you're suffering from depression, please know that you are valid and worthy of love and help no matter what the reason behind your pain. Today, let's talk about what depression is, how to recognize it, and how God understands the hurt you're going through.

---++ Bible References ++--
  • REF#1 - 1 Thessalonians 5:19
  • REF#2 - Romans 8:1
  • REF#3 - Romans 8:20-22; Genesis 3:14-19
  • REF#4 - 2 Samuel 15; Psalm 42-43
  • REF#5 - 1 Samuel 1:7
  • REF#6 - See Job 42:10-17
  • REF#7 - 2 Corinthians 12:7
  • REF#8 - Psalm 139:14; Genesis 1:27
  • REF#9 - Luke 22:39-46; John 11:35

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