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Being Like Jesus #006

WEEK 6: Read Mark 1:40-45

FOCUS: Meditate on the passage and write down your thoughts and observations OR do a S.O.A.P. study and select one verse to focus upon.

SHARE: This is a 412teens community group discussion. Please be let your voice be heard by posting one or more of the following in the comments below. (We will respond to every submission!)

  1. Share your own response to the passage or the study above.
  2. OR share a part of your S.O.A.P. study. It can be one part of all of it—whatever you feel comfortable doing.
  3. OR share your answer(s) to these questions: Which of Jesus' character traits stood out to you in this passage? How can you practice this Christlike trait in your own life?
  • Learn how to do a S.O.A.P. Bible Study HERE.
  • Use to get the full context of specfic verses.
  • Search or for specific terms.
  • Use the comments on each page to SHARE your own discoveries, thoughts, and answers about the passage. Be a part of the discussion by responding to others' comments too!
PLEASE NOTE: The purpose of this comment section is to encourage healthy Christian community for teens around the world. All comments are moderated, so yours will show up as "awaiting moderation" every time. (Sorry!) ALL bullying, hateful, or misleading comments WILL be deleted. Jerks will be banned. (Not sorry.) Views/opinions expressed by commenters do not necessarily reflect those of or Got Questions Ministries.