Being Like Jesus #006
WEEK 6: Read Mark 1:40-45
FOCUS: Meditate on the passage and write down your thoughts and observations OR do a S.O.A.P. study and select one verse to focus upon.
SHARE: This is a 412teens community group discussion. Please be let your voice be heard by posting one or more of the following in the comments below. (We will respond to every submission!)
- Share your own response to the passage or the study above.
- OR share a part of your S.O.A.P. study. It can be one part of all of it—whatever you feel comfortable doing.
- OR share your answer(s) to these questions: Which of Jesus' character traits stood out to you in this passage? How can you practice this Christlike trait in your own life?
- Learn how to do a S.O.A.P. Bible Study HERE.
- Use to get the full context of specfic verses.
- Search or for specific terms.
- Use the comments on each page to SHARE your own discoveries, thoughts, and answers about the passage. Be a part of the discussion by responding to others' comments too!