Yes, it's still us. This is our new logo. LOL What do you think?
This is a question that has been heatedly debated by religious fasionistas around the world. Maybe your church has a strict dress code, or maybe it's not really a question you've thought too much about. Either way, it's a well-known, traditional practice of many to dress in multi-layered suits and fancy dresses on Sunday mornings. But is there a biblical reason people should wear their "Sunday best"?
In Genesis 35:1-3, Jacob tells his family to "get rid of the strange gods you have with you. Make yourselves pure, and change your clothes." But this change of clothes was more about a change in the heart that was reflected on the outside. Still, what does that mean for Christians today?
Between different nationalities, cultures, and even church communities, there may be "acceptable" ways to dress for church in those traditions. However, your clothes themselves have nothing to do with your respect for God. Some people believe that if you're wearing jeans and a t-shirt to church, then you're being disrespectful to the Lord. They believe that you need to wear nice, possibly expensive, clothes that don't offend anyone else in the congregation. This viewpoint has several flaws.
Saying that some clothes are "acceptable" to God implies that certain clothes can actually match the grace of God. If no human can ever match the glory of God (Romans 3:23), then nothing humans create can either. This opinion also causes people to judge others on what they wear, which Jesus tells us is not OK (John 7:24). You can choose to express your worship and respect through your clothes for sure. But just because a man wears a tank top and shorts to church, that doesn't mean he loves God any less than the guy in a three-piece suit.
Now that we've established that no clothes will ever be judged by God to be better than any others, you can see that to say one type of clothing is more "godly" than another is, to put it bluntly, dumb—not to mention unbiblical. Of course, that doesn't mean you should walk into church naked. It's a church, not a nudist beach. But you know what I mean.
No, you don't have to dress up for church. You can if you want, of course, but God doesn't require it. If your parents are asking you to dress up, then it would be best to respect them so long as you're living under their authority (Colossians 3:20). But if you dress up only to feel special, get attention, or to look more important than the more casually-dressed people, then you're really just showing off, and your clothes have nothing to do with your respect for God.
Maybe just being clean and showered is a person's "best" because they can't afford fancy clothes. That's fine! For others, maybe they feel that wearing their best clothes is showing God how important He is to them. And that's fine too. In the end, we could all do well to take a "spiritual bath" before church by confessing our sin to God (1 John 1:9). That is how we make ourselves pure.
It's your choice to dress up on Sunday mornings or not. Just remember, don't judge other people on their decision either way—dressing formally OR dressing casually. God is the ultimate judge of all, and when you arrive at those Pearly Gates, He's not going to look at your $80 khakis. He's going to look at your soul.
No. You don't have to dress up for church. You can if you want, but God doesn't require it. Between different nationalities, cultures, and even church communities, there may be "acceptable" ways to dress for church in those traditions. However, your clothes themselves have nothing to do with your respect for God. You can choose to express your worship and respect through your clothes for sure. However, if you dress up only to feel special, get attention, or look more important than everybody else, then you're really just showing off. Also, don't judge other people on their decision either way—dressing formally OR dressing casually. God is the only one who truly knows a person's heart, and He is the ultimate judge of all.
Cactus is a teen who, in his spare time, enjoys writing, listening to bands no one has ever heard of, and creating assorted wavelengths of random sound particles that ALMOST resemble real music. He is also fluent in the languages of English, sarcasm, and gibberish.