Yes, it's still us. This is our new logo. LOL What do you think?

Does God make mistakes?

I like to think of God as an artist. I mean, think about it: sunsets, fall colors, flowers, the human body. The whole of God's creation is just one big piece of art. As an artist myself (and much like most artists), I tend to criticize my works pretty harshly. In any stories, songs, or articles I write, I find flaws. But we will never find flaws in God's works of art. After everything He made, He saw that it was "good"—even "very good" (Genesis 1)!

"Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom." —Psalm 145:3 (NIV)

God's greatness is so awesome that we literally can't even imagine it. While we're able to make mistakes (and often do everyday!), God cannot make mistakes.

Am I a mistake?

We all have those days when we wonder if maybe God made a mistake in creating us. Maybe He screwed up when He put us in a certain family or gave us certain attributes. Maybe He messed up when He let this or that thing happen to us. But what does the Bible say about God's sons and daughters?

Romans 8:28 says, "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." So not only is God incapable of making mistakes, but He especially didn't make a mistake when He created YOU—or anyone else for that matter. Anything He does in your life is for the benefit of your own personal, spiritual, or emotional growth—no matter how much it doesn't seem like it.

Does God fix mistakes?

If I could, I would go back in time to fix every mistake I've ever made, but that's impossible for a mere human being like me. Now, since God created time itself, He could go back in time. Yet, has He ever reversed anything He did? Nope. That's the thing...God doesn't have to change anything, because He knows how everything is going to turn out. Everything that happens, He allowed to happen in His complete sovereignty. He has never made mistakes, and He never will. It may be hard to imagine, but God already knows the ending to every person's story.

"Remember the former things of old; for I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me, declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things not yet done saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish all my purpose...'" —Isaiah 46:9-10

God has known what was going to happen from the very beginning of everything—even before time existed. God has always existed, and in His omniscience, He knows all things that have ever been or will be. When we feel we've make mistakes, we can rest assured that God knew it would happen, and He will walk us through whatever consequences may come.

Did Jesus make mistakes?

God's son, Jesus, didn't make mistakes either. When Jesus went before Pilate and was accused of wrongdoing, even this Roman governor could see that Jesus was innocent (Luke 23:4). Jesus was a perfect man who lived a perfect, sinless life. If God had an imperfect Son, that would count as a mistake, because God and Jesus are a part of the same triune God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit).

Additionally, if Jesus wasn't perfect, He could not have sacrificed Himself to save us from the punishment due to us because of our sin. His perfect sacrifice made it possible for us to be forgiven by God.

"Who can utter the mighty deeds of the Lord,or declare all his praise?" —Psalm 106:2

This verse basically says that any attempt at declaring all the wonderful, perfect things God has done would be impossible. Is it possible to name every single atom in the world? Not for us anyway! We could never name all of God's good and perfect things—even if we wanted to.



Psalm 145:3 (NIV) says, "Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom." While we're able to make mistakes (and often do everyday!), God cannot make mistakes. God's greatness and goodness is so awesome that we literally can't even imagine it. Yes, it's hard to imagine never making a mistake, but fully understanding the mind of God is also impossible (1 Corinthians 2:11)!

Writer: Meagan

Meagan is a thriving 16-year old who spends most of her free time doing homework, baking, rehearsing for Choir, hanging out with friends, or on Tumblr. She's also working on a novel and an original music album. She's excited to use the love God's placed in her heart to spread His amazing grace to everyone she meets.

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