Yes, it's still us. This is our new logo. LOL What do you think?

I am a Bride of Christ

A while back, I stopped wearing my purity ring. Mostly because it said, "I will wait for my beloved" all over the inside and outside of the band. There's no ignoring it. I felt like these words signified I was merely waiting around for someone to show up. Just knowing that I was waiting for someone who, in all likelihood, didn't exist was extremely draining and always painful whenever I was unfortunate enough to remember. So I hid it away.

Soon, I began to hate having it taint my jewelry box. I told God, "Here, You deal with it," then stuffed it into my bible case. A short while later, I discovered the most beautiful article about Christ and how setting His second covenant in place is exactly like an old Jewish engagement and wedding. A love story between Christ and the Church. And it reminded me (funny, how you forget the most important things) that I really am loved and valued by God. I am Christ's bride, and He's coming back for me. So I took the purity ring back out and have started wearing it.

My Beloved is no mortal man. I will wait for Jesus, my Beloved, to come back for me.

I began absolutely starving for spiritual food. I spent over a week filling that need almost every waking hour. I also started shopping for another ring. To me, the purity ring seems like an old agreement; I wanted a new one for a new promise. I would take all of God's promises to me and wrap them up into a single phrase or sentence that I could wear and remember. I'd wear the ring on my left hand so it would always be in my line of sight.

For days and days, I searched for a suitable ring before I settled on a custom-made one. It arrived last week, but my desire to grow closer to God has brought about a spiritual battle. By the time my ring arrived, I wasn't so sure I deserved to wear a ring that says what it does or that God would allow me to be entitled to those promises. But I was determined to cling to those promises regardless of the lies in my head.

After years of struggle, after months of intense emotional turmoil and spiritual combat I didn't even know I was fighting, the colossal wall that had sprung up brick by brick between me and God is gone at last. It is GONE.

I'm not taking any chances though.

No small amount of gratitude is due to a dear friend who interceded for me in prayer. I had absolutely no idea how to break that wall, and I couldn't even hear God's voice for Him to tell me how. That is the short of it. But I'd be glad to go into more details if anyone wanted.

So now I present to y'all my new "engagement" ring. It says "Bride of Christ". I am Christ's bride. Christ chose me and has made me worthy of all the benefits and blessings that come with being utterly His.

"Let us rejoice and exult and give him the glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and his Bride has made herself ready; it was granted her to clothe herself with fine linen, bright and pure"—for the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints." —Revelation 19:7-8


Writer: Silver

Silver loves to travel and go on adventures. She spent two years teaching English in South Korea. She loves coffee shops, chai, mul naeng myun, reading, and writing.

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