Yes, it's still us. This is our new logo. LOL What do you think?
Yes, you have a story to tell. Even if you think it's not as significant or important or dramatic as someone else's. Your life story is meaningful and can have an impact on others. You'd be surprised how many people are going through the same things as you. Your story begins from the moment you were born and began to look around in wide-eyed wonder at this crazy place called earth. Once you have allowed God to take hold of your heart and begin transforming you from the inside out, that's when YOUR story becomes HIS story, and you begin to write the words together.
We love to hear stories of God moving and working in the lives of young believers. These are real life stories our teen friends have sent to us to share wtih you. Hopefully these stories will encourage you, inspire you, and remind you that YOU ARE NOT ALONE.
What has God been doing in your life? How has He transformed you? Shown you His love? Shown you the way? Share your story! Write it down, make a video, draw a picture—get creative! Then send it to talk (at) 412teens (dot) org or use the form below. We'll help you get your story out there, and maybe God can use it to help others just like you.
Here are a few tips as you start thinking about telling your story:
We are super excited to hear your story and share it with others. Think about what you might say if you could share your story, and let us know!